28 Tips on How to Get Organised for Christmas

It’s that time of year again! We need to be thinking ahead to the big event, Christmas! As always, there is seemingly a never-ending list of to-do’s, as well as the actual gift buying too. Below are 28 tips on how to get organised for Christmas, I hope this helps you.

Planning for an Organised Christmas

  1. Invest in either a planner, or a notepad which will be specifically for your Christmas plans. Divide this into things you need to do, a card list, present list as well as anything else, like events, or recipes. This way, you have everything you need written in one, easy to access place.
  2. When it comes to ensuring that you’re organised for Christmas, planning and preparation is key. Alongside that, so are lists! You’ll need to sit down and write a list for cards, presents, your family members, food, drink and what needs organising and doing before the big event. Keep on top of these lists, and keep them to hand too!
  3. Think ahead about food and what you might want to bake at Christmas. Make sure you have all the ingredients in that you will need.
  4. Keep a document on the fridge to keep track of your online orders, be sure to write down the dates ordered, and due dates.
  5. Book your supermarket slot ASAP.
  6. Feeling cluttered already? Having a toy and game sort out before Christmas will help minimise that overwhelmed feeling when you realise you have to find homes for the new toys.
  7. Keep an eye on the postal dates- you don’t want to miss them! Pop the last ones on your phone calendar so that anything you need posting out, gets done beforehand. Keep this in mind when it comes to online orders too.
  8. Plan your menu early for Christmas Eve, Christmas Day and Boxing Day.
  9. If using greenery on your table for Christmas, buy this in mid December to keep it fresh for Christmas.
  10. Organise the pantry or cupboards so that you can make room for the extra food and drink.
  11. A deeper clean than usual at the start of December will mean that you have less cleaning to do in the fun lead up to Christmas.

Christmas Cards and Presents

  1. Buy your wrapping paper and cards as early as you can, so then you can wrap as you go. This will save you the last minute dash on Christmas Eve to wrap the presents.
  2. Write a list on who you need to send cards and presents to. Include a loose budget you need to follow for each person
  3. Think about whether you want Santa to have a different roll of paper to you and keep that one well hidden!
  4. If you have stocking fillers to do, once they are wrapped, place them in a separate bag to the main presents, so you don’t have to work out what’s meant to have been a stocking filler on the night. You can just empty straight out of the bag into the stocking.
  5. Get your children’s handmade presents and cards done early.
  6. Have as much wrapping done as you can before December.
  7. Buy stamps and ensure you have the right addresses for everyone.
  8. Send cards out in early December to ensure they reach everyone in a good amount of time.
  9. Sit your children down early to write Santa’s letter, there’s even an address you can send it to on the Royal Mail’s website. The cut off date for the letters is the 11th December to stand a chance for a reply. The Royal Mail website also has last postal dates- write these dates down so that you don’t miss sending anything to loved ones.

Christmas Traditions

  1. Do you do a Christmas Eve Box? Write a list on what you will need for this then order the items as early as you can to prepare it and pop it to one side.
  2. Have you ever done a book advent calendar? A one-off expense (and you can buy second hand books), these books can be used each year. Wrap them in brown paper and decorate with the date for each book to be opened, alongside festive drawings.
  3. A Pinterest board full of that little visitor all the children love, but the adults don’t- Elf on the Shelf. By having a board ready, it will get you prepared for his stay.
  4. What types of things do you do as a family in December? Do you have yearly traditions or trips out? Start planning ahead with your dates and tickets, (for events you are still able to attend).
  5. Write a Christmas bucket list, such as make a gingerbread house, drink hot chocolate and watch Christmas movies or do a candy cane hunt, then keep the list handy for December.
  6. Do you usually make homemade decorations? Make sure you have everything you need for these.
  7. Book in time to enjoy the festive season with your family.
  8. Check whether the lights work before you get them on the tree- there is nothing worse then finding broken lights after spending hours tackling them!

Wishing you a festive, fun December

I hope that this blog has given you some great ideas on how to get organised for Christmas.

If you find that you need an extra pair of hands, helping you to get your home ready for the festive season, get in touch with Dorset Companions today. 


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